What can SiteJuggler do

Looking for a simple tool to monitor a website. Then SiteJuggler is the tool for you.

Our features make managing the website easier and also provide you with recommendations for improvements.

Find 404 resources easily

When crawling your website, links are followed to build a sitemap. However, it can happen that links no longer work because they have been moved or disappeared.
SiteJuggler gives you insight into the pages found and what status codes they yielded.

Scheduled checks

You can schedule your checks whether they need to be done daily, weekly or just monthly. You can do this both at global level and at page level. This way you can make better use of your quota limits for more important pages.

Resource load speed

It is important for visitors that pages load quickly. That is why we keep track of how quickly each resource was loaded.

Site blacklist checker

Resources are checked that they are not blacklisted

The following blacklists are checked;

Export data

You can export all data into a CSV file