The first alpha release

I have been designing and developing SiteJuggler for some time now. But this week it was the first alpha release. This first release contains the core features for SiteJuggler to build upon.

The plan is to add a number of desired basic functionalities and then switch to a beta release. Which will be open, however, there will be a limited number of seats.

Would you like to help test the alpha release? Please contact me at

To give an idea of the current functionalities;

Your site dashboard

You start with your site dashboard

Site dashboard
Site dashboard

In this dashboard you immediately see;

  • The total number of resources found and crawled.
  • How many problems have been found
  • What the average response time is per source

You will then see which sources were last updated. But also which pages contain problems.

In the example 12 resources have been found, which have a total of 7 issues.

Search a resource

In the dashboard you can see which sources you can do something with immediately. But it could also be that you have a specific search query. Then you have the sources overview;

Resources overview
Resources overview

In the sources overview you can filter and sort for certain sources. So let's say you want to sort your sources by loading speed. If you want to search for all sources that provide a redirect, you can find them here.

Resource information

To solve the problems you have to know what the problem is. Then you arrive at the resource page;

Resource page
Resource page

On the source page you can see what the detected problems are. In this case, an HTML description (meta description) is missing.

However, you can also see which sources have been found on the page, and which sources refer to this source.

This way you can quickly see how the source was found and where it is used.

Let's continue

So this is an alpha release and is now being fully updated. However, the release has already visited over 40,000 sources to detect problems.

If you are interested in testing SiteJuggler, please contact Or if you prefer to wait until the beta release, please be patient, I hope to do this in June.

Thanks for reading and see you next crawl!
